Product description
Recognizes a protein of 45kDa, identified as MyoD1. The epitope of this antibody maps in between amino acid 3-56 in the N-terminus of mouse MyoD1 protein. It does not cross react with myogenin, Myf5, or Myf6. Occassionally nuclear expression/staining of MyoD1 is seen in ectomesenchymoma and a subset of WilmÕs tumors. Weak cytoplasmic staining/presence is observed in several non-muscle tissues, including glandular epithelium and also in rhabdomyosarcomas, neuroblastomas, EwingÕs sarcomas and alveolar soft part sarcomas. The 5.2F antibody to MyoD1 labels the nuclei of myoblasts in developing muscle tissues. MyoD1 is not detected in normal adult tissue. Occassionally nuclear expression of MyoD1 is seen in ectomesenchymoma and a subset of WilmÕs tumors.
Exalpha, an Absolute Biotech Company
Shipping & storage
Shipping condition
Room Temperature
Storage temperature

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