Product description
The protein TCP-1 (t-complex polypeptide 1) is a subunit of the hetero-oligomeric complex CCT (chaperonin containing TCP-1) present in the eukaryotic cytosol. The CCT of eukaryotic cytosol is composed of eight different subunit species that are proposed to have independent functions in folding its in vivo substrates, the Actins and Tubulins. TCP-1 was first identified in the mouse as relevant for tail-less and embryonic lethal phenotypes. Sequences homologous to TCP-1 have been isolated in several other species, and the yeast TCP-1 has been shown to encode a molecular chaperone for Actin and Tubulin. TCP-1 found in mammalian cells and yeast plays an important role in the folding of cytosolic proteins.
F39 P7 F11
Exalpha, an Absolute Biotech Company
Shipping & storage
Shipping condition
Room Temperature
Storage temperature

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T-Complex Protein 1, subunit


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T-Complex Protein 1, subunit


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