The Annual Symposium of the NVHG (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Humane Genetica) will be held at the NH Koningshof in Veldhoven on 19th and 20st of September 2019. This yeat the symposium will be jointly organised by the Dutch and Belgian societies of Human Genetics.

About this event

This meeting combines collaborations of the societies VKGL (Vereniging Klinisch Genetische Laboratoriumdiagnostiek), VKGN (Vereniging van Klinische Genetica Nederland) and NACGG (Nederlandse Associatie voor Community Genetics and Public Health Genomics).

The objective of the annual meeting is to unite the different specialties within the field of human genetics, including clinical geneticists, molecular geneticits, embryologists, counsellors & researchers to discuss about their field of interest.
Current topics: Whole Exome/Genome sequencing, NIPT, NIPD, fundamental genomics (CRISPR/Cas, stem cell research, animal models), gene therapy, epigenetics, clinical phenotypes, ethics in genetics and many more.

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