Product description
Hamster anti Mouse CD339 antibody, clone HMJ1-29 specifically recognizes CD339, otherwise known as Jagged1, one of the five major ligands of the Notch signaling pathway, which is activated through the binding of specific ligands to the Notch receptors Notch 1-4.The Notch signaling pathway is an evolutionarily conserved pathway in multi-cellular organisms, which is vital for cell-cell communication, important during fundamental developmental and physiological processes, including regulation of cell fate decisions during neuronal, cardiac and endocrine development, stem cell hematopoiesis, thymic T-cell development, and both tumor progression and suppression.Ligation of Notch receptors by their specific ligands, Jagged1 (CD339), Jagged2, Delta-like protein 1 (DLL1), DLL3 and DLL4, on physically adjacent signal receiving cells, induces proteolysis of the receptors by ADAM-family metalloproteases and the gamma-secretase complex, within the transmembrane domain, releasing the Notch intracellular domain (NICD) to translocate to the nucleus. Subsequent signal transduction then occurs through either the CSL-NICD-Mastermind complex cascade (canonical pathway), or NF-kappaB-NICD and CSL-NICD-Deltex complex signaling cascades (non-canonical pathway). The canonical pathway inhibits the differentiation of stem cells or progenitor cells, whilst the non-canonical pathway promotes differentiation.Jagged1 signaling is implicated in cell-fate decisions during hematopoiesis, as well as in both early and late stages of mammalian cardiovascular development, and is involved in the inhibition of myoblast differentiation. Studies have shown a significant increase in the expression of Jagged1 in metastatic prostate cancer, compared with localized prostate cancer or benign prostatic tissues, implicating Jagged1 as a biomarker to facilitate their differentiation.In humans, mutations in the JAG1 gene are responsible for the autosomal dominant multisystem disorder Alagille syndrome 1 (ALGS1)
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Blue Ice
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Hamster Anti-Mouse CD339


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Hamster Anti-Mouse CD339


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