Product description
TIP47 (tail-interacting protein of 47 kD; also named PLIN3) is involved in lipid droplet maturation. The protein has been localized in milk fat globule membranes of human and bovine origin. It has been described also as a placental protein. Increased amounts of TIP47 are secreted into circulation of cervix carcinoma patients. After radical surgery TIP47 serum levels are decreased (Than et al. 1999). TIP47 shows about 40% sequence homology to adipophilin (PLIN2). The GP30 antiserum, however, is specific for TIP47 (PLIN3) and does not cross-react with adipophilin (PLIN2) and perilipin (PLIN1) or other proteins of the PLIN/PAT family. Reactivity on cultured cell lines: PLC cells, pretreated with oleic acid. Learn more about PROGEN Perilipin antibodies. Than, N. G., Sumegi, B., Than, G. N., Kispal, G. & Bohn, H. Cloning and sequencing of human oncodevelopmental soluble placental tissue protein 17 (PP17): homology with adipophilin and the mouse adipose differentiation-related protein. Tumour Biol. J. Int. Soc. Oncodevelopmental Biol. Med. 20, 184–92 (1999).
Guinea Pig
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Room Temperature
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anti-TIP47 / PP17, guinea pig serum


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anti-TIP47 / PP17, guinea pig serum


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