Product description
GATA3 (GATA binding protein 3 to DNA sequence [A/T]GATA[A/G]) is a zink finger transkription faktor and plays an important role in cell proliferation, development and differentiation in many tissues and cell types. Among other roles, GATA3 is involved in luminal cell differentiation in the mammary gland and appears to control a set of genes involved in the proliferation of breast cancer. GATA3 is primarily over-expressed in breast and urothelial carcinomas and only rarely found in tumors of other organs. Therefore anti-GATA3 has been used for diagnosis of unknown primary carcinoma, when carcinomas of the breast or bladder are a possibility. In a clinical study it was demonstated that GATA-3 stained 84% of urothelial carcinoma and 94% Mammacarcinoma (2). However, another study demonstates positivity for GATA3 in a number of other tumours (3), so that it is indicated to use more specific markers for differential diagnosis. For mamma carcinoma Mammaglobin and GCDFP should be used in addition to GATA3. GATA3; Trans-acting T-cell-specific transcription factor GATA-3; GATA-binding factor 3.
Nordic-Mubio, an Absolute Biotech Company
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GATA3 (L50-823)


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