Product description
RAGE is a multi-ligand member of the immunoglobulin superfamily of cell surface molecules that is expressed in a variety of cell lines, including endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, mononuclear phagocytes, pericytes, neurons, cardiac myocytes, mesangial cells and hepatocytes (1, 2). RAGE interacts with different structures to transmit a signal into the cell and recognizes three-dimensional structures rather than specific amino acid sequences. Therefore, RAGE seems to fulfill the requirements of a pattern-recognition receptor. As a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, it interacts with a diverse class of ligands, including AGEs (3, 4), HMGB1 (also known as Amphoterin) (5), amyloid ?-peptide (6), amyloid A (7), leukocyte adhesion receptors (8), prions (9), Escherichia coli curli operons (10), ?-sheet fibrils (11) and several members of the S100 protein superfamily including S100/calgranulins (12). Thus RAGE may have potential involvement in several pathological processes including inflammation, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease (AD), systemic amyloidosis, and tumor growth (13). Soluble version of RAGE, termed soluble RAGE (sRAGE), created by proteolytical cleavage by matrix metalloproteases can be detected in sera. In addition to sRAGE, another soluble RAGE, as endogenous secretory RAGE (esRAGE) derives from alternative splicing of the RAGE mRNA (14–16) was discovered. Because of the possible neutralization effect of sRAGE, studies have examined the significance of sRAGE serum concentration in patients with various pathological conditions. Decreased level of sRAGE is a biomarker for deficient and/or altered inflammatory control in humans. It was shown that reduced level of sRAGE is associated with higher risk of coronary disease. In Alzheimer disease there is a decrease in serum sRAGE in comparison with patients with vascular dementia and controls. On the other hand, an increased level of serum sRAGE was found in patients with end-stage renal disease and acute lung injury.
MBL International
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Blue Ice
Storage temperature

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CircuLex Human sRAGE ELISA Kit


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CircuLex Human sRAGE ELISA Kit


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