Product description
This gene encodes a member of the bone morphogenetic protein family which is part of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily. The superfamily includes large families of growth and differentiation factors. Bone morphogenetic proteins were originally identified by an ability of demineralized bone extract to induce endochondral osteogenesis in vivo in an extraskeletal site. These proteins are synthesized as prepropeptides, cleaved, and then processed into dimeric proteins. This protein may act as an important signaling molecule within the trabecular meshwork and optic nerve head, and may play a potential role in glaucoma pathogenesis. This gene is differentially regulated during the formation of various tumors. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]
Arigo Biolaboratories Corporation
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Rabbit BMP5 ELISA Kit


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Rabbit BMP5 ELISA Kit


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