Product description
This gene encodes a cell surface membrane protein of the immunoglobulin superfamily. This protein is expressed in pro-B-cells and is thought to play a role in their differentiation. In mice, expression of this gene is induced in the thymus when anti-CD3 antibodies are injected and large numbers of thymocytes undergo apoptosis. Mice deficient for this gene bred on a BALB/c background developed dilated cardiomyopathy and died from congestive heart failure. These studies suggest that this gene product may also be important in T cell function and contribute to the prevention of autoimmune diseases. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]
Arigo Biolaboratories Corporation
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Human CD279 / PD-1 recombinant protein (ECD) (His-tagged, C-ter)


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Human CD279 / PD-1 recombinant protein (ECD) (His-tagged, C-ter)


By filling out this form, you request a sample. You will receive an order confirmation within one working day. The order cannot be modified after receipt of the order confirmation.

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