Product description
Rabbit anti Human dynorphin A antibody recognizes the opioid peptide dynorphin A (Fischli et al. 1982), a cleavage product of big dynorphin, itself derived from the precursor pro-encephalin-B, also known as preprodynorphin. Rabbit anti human dynorphin A antibody binds to both dynorphin A 1-17 and 1-8 but not with other big dynorphin cleavage products such as dynorphin B, also known as rimorphin. Dynorphin A immunoreactive cells are found in the paraventricular and supraoptic nucleus and in hippocampal mossy fibers of rat brain following kainic acid administration and colchicine induced neurotoxicity (McGinty et al. 1983). Dynorphins play a role in multiple physiologic processes including pain perception (Wang et al. 2001)and responses to stress (Rácz et al. 2013). They mimic and compete with a number of opiate drugs(Chavkin 2013). Dysregulation of dynorphin A expression has been linked to progression of neurodegenerative conditions such as Altzheimer’s disease (Yakovleva et al. 2007) and appears to play a significant role in the pathobiology of epilepsy (Loacker et al. 2007). Rabbit anti human dynorphin antibody has been used successfully for the immunohistochemical demonstration of ‘mossy fibre’ sprouting in hippocampal sclerosis (Thom et al. 2009) and in a virally induced disease model in the rat (Solbrig et al. 2006).
Shipping & storage
Shipping condition
Blue Ice
Storage temperature

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Rabbit Anti-Human Dynorphin A (aa1 17)


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Rabbit Anti-Human Dynorphin A (aa1 17)


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