Product description
Goat anti Human Delta-like protein 1 antibody recognizes Delta-like protein 1 (DLL1), one of the five major ligands of the Notch signalling pathway, activated through the binding of specific ligands to the Notch receptors Notch 1-4.The Notch signalling pathway is an evolutionarily conserved pathway in multi-cellular organisms, vital for cell-cell communication, important during fundamental developmental and physiological processes, including regulation of cell fate decisions during neuronal, cardiac and endocrine development, stem cell haematopoiesis, thymic T-cell development, and both tumour progression and suppression.Ligation of Notch receptors by their specific ligands, Jagged1 (CD339), Jagged2, Delta like-1 (DLL1), DLL3 and DLL4, on physically adjacent signal receiving cells, induces proteolysis of the receptors by ADAM-family metalloproteases and gamma-secretase complex, within the transmembrane domain, releasing the Notch intracellular domain (NICD) to translocate to the nucleus. Subsequent signal transduction then occurs through either the CSL-NICD-Mastermind complex cascade (canonical pathway), or NF-kappaB-NICD and CSL-NICD-Deltex complex signalling cascades (non-canonical pathway). The canonical pathway inhibits the differentiation of stem cells or progenitor cells, whilst the non-canonical pathway promotes differentiation.DLL1 is widely expressed, and acts as a mediator of cell fate decisions during haematopoiesis, and may play a role in cell-to-cell communication in mammalian embryos. DLL1 plays an important role in B and T cell differentiation, in embryonic somite formation and patterning, and associates with the scaffolding protein MAGI1 at adherens junctions on neuronal processes. Signalling through DLL1 and Notch 2 has been implicated in the development of marginal zone B cells (MZB).
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Shipping condition
Blue Ice
Storage temperature

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Goat Anti-Delta like protein 1


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