Product description

The jasmonates are a group of plant stress hormones that naturally occur in plants following exposure to certain types of stresses, including pathogen and herbivore attacks. Jasmonic acid methyl ester induces the synthesis of proteinase inhibitors in plant leaves.{16943} In cancer cells, it suppresses proliferation and induces apoptosis.{16945} More specifically, methyl jasmonate inhibits hexokinase that is bound to mitochondria.{16944} As hexokinase is overexpressed in cancer cells and contributes to cancer cell growth and survival, methyl jasmonate’s disruption of mitochondrial hexokinase activity selectively targets, and kills, cancer cells. Jasmonic acid methyl ester derivatives also have potential as anti-inflammatory agents.{16946}

CAS number
Cayman Chemical
Shipping & storage
Shipping condition
Dry Ice
Storage temperature

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Jasmonic Acid methyl ester


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Jasmonic Acid methyl ester


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