Product description
Contents of small pack: Pack of 4 vials containing 100mM dNTPs (20 µmol dATP, TTP, dGTP and dCTP in 200 µl). Contents of large pack: Pack of 4 vials containing 100mM dNTPs (100 µmol dATP, TTP, dGTP and dCTP in 1 mL).
Biomol GmbH
Shipping & storage
Shipping condition
Dry Ice
Storage temperature

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Deoxynucleotide (dNTP) Set (high conc.)


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Deoxynucleotide (dNTP) Set (high conc.)


By filling out this form, you request a sample. You will receive an order confirmation within one working day. The order cannot be modified after receipt of the order confirmation.

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