Product description
Source : Escherichia Coli. Beta Defensin-2 Mouse Recombinant produced in E.Coli is a single, non-glycosylated polypeptide chain containing 51 amino acids & having a molecular mass of 5.5kDa. The BD-2 is purified by proprietary chromatographic techniques. The Defensin family are highly similar in their protein sequence & are microbicidal & cytotoxic peptides made by neutrophils. Beta Defensin-1 is an antimicrobial peptide having the resistance of epithelial surfaces to microbial colonization. Beta Defensin-1 has close proximity to Defensin Alpha-1 & has been implicated in the pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis.Skin of patients having atopic dermatitis patients & mycosis fungoides (non-lesional & lesional) show lower human Beta Defensin-1 mRNA expression & higher human Beta Defensin-2 & human Beta Defensin-3 mRNA expression. BBeta Defensin is highly expressed by epithelial cells. Beta-defensin 1 may play a role in the pathogenesis of severe sepsis. Variation in human Beta Defensin-1 contributes to asthma diagnosis, with apparent gender-specific effects. Human Beta Defensin-3 is a dimer, while Human BD-1 & Human BD-2 are monomeric. The expression of Human BD1 is correlated with induction profiles in gingival keratinocytes. The level of expression of human DEFB1 mRNA is lower than that of human BD3 & human BD-2 in reconstructed epidermis.Human BD1 is down-regulated in human prostatic & renal carcinomas.
Shipping & storage
Shipping condition
Blue Ice
Storage temperature

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mBD 2 Recombinant Protein


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mBD 2 Recombinant Protein


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