Product description
Source : Escherichia Coli. The ANGPTL3 Human Recombinant is produced with N-terminal fusion of His-Tag. The Angiopoietin-like protein 3 His Tagged Fusion Protein is 26kDa containing 207 amino acid residues of the ANGPTL3 Human (26-233 a.a.) & 16 additional amino acid residues - His-Tag . ANGPTL3 & ANGPTL4 are angiopoietin-like proteins secreted & expressed mainly by the liver, their role being the regulation of triglyceride metabolism by inhibiting the lipolysis of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins. During different nutritional states (feeding/fasting) the levels of the circulating triglycerides are regulated by Angptl3 & Angptl4 through differential inhibition of Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) as shown by the experimental data. The molecular structure of ANGPTL3 is similar to that of the angiopoietins (vascular endothelial growth factors). Deletion mutants of human Angiopoietin 5 were used in order to demonstrate that the N-terminal domain (fragment 17-207) & not the C-terminal fibrinogen-like domain (fragment 207-460) increased the plasma triglyceride levels in mice.
Shipping & storage
Shipping condition
Blue Ice
Storage temperature

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ANGPTL3 Recombinant Protein


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ANGPTL3 Recombinant Protein


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