Product description

5?,6?-epoxy Cholestanol is an oxysterol and a metabolite of cholesterol produced by oxidation.{45075} 5?,6?-epoxy Cholestanol accumulates in MCF-7 breast cancer cells in a reactive oxygen species-dependent manner following tamoxifen and PBPE application and induces triacylglycerol biosynthesis by binding to liver x receptor ? (LXR?).{45076} 5?,6?-epoxy Cholestanol levels are increased in rat aorta and mesenteric artery following orchidectomy, an effect that can be prevented by a DHA-supplemented diet.{45075} Levels are also increased in post-mortem frontal and occipital cortex of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.{45077}

CAS number
Cayman Chemical
Shipping & storage
Shipping condition
Dry Ice
Storage temperature

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5a,6a-epoxy Cholestanol


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5a,6a-epoxy Cholestanol


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