Product description

Dibutyl 3-hydroxybutyl phosphate (TBP-OH; Item No. 9001825) is a compound produced from the metabolism of the organophosphorus solvent, tributyl phosphate (TBP). Incubation of goldfish liver microsomes in the presence of NADPH has been shown to convert TBP into TBP-OH and dibutyl phosphate.{23881} TBP-OH has also been produced during radiolysis of TBP.{23882} (S)-TBP-OH is an optically active isomer of TBP-OH.

CAS number
Cayman Chemical
Shipping & storage
Shipping condition
Dry Ice
Storage temperature

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(S)-Dibutyl 3-Hydroxybutyl Phosphate


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(S)-Dibutyl 3-Hydroxybutyl Phosphate


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