Product description
(3R,8S)-Falcarindiol is a polyacetylene that has been found in N. incisum and has diverse biological activities.{54293,54294,54295} It is active against M. tuberculosis strain H37Ra (MIC = 6.25 ?g/ml).{54293} (3R,8S)-Falcarindiol is cytotoxic to MCF-7, H1299, and HepG2 cells (IC50s = 29.4, 22.1, and 23.6 ?M, respectively).{54294} It has algicidal activity against H. circularisquama when used at concentrations of 2 and 4 ?M.{54295}
CAS number
Cayman Chemical
Shipping & storage
Shipping condition
Dry Ice
Storage temperature

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