Product description
17-phenyl trinor Prostaglandin F2a diethyl amide (17-phenyl trinor PGF2a diethyl amide) is an analog of PGF2a in which the C-1 carboxyl group has been modified to an N-diethyl amide. PG esters have been shown to have ocular hypotensive activity.{8837} PG N-ethyl amides were recently introduced as alternative PG hypotensive prodrugs.{8941} Studies have shown that bovine and human corneal tissue converts the N-ethyl amides of various PGs to the free acids with a conversion efficiency of about 2.5 µg/g corneal tissue/hr.{9311} However, dialkyl amides such as 17-phenyl trinor PGF2a diethyl amide are inert to corneal amidase activity, and are not converted in any detectable amount to the corresponding free acids. These compounds may therefore be useful tools in elucidating the claim that PG amides have intrinsic intraocular hypotensive activity.
CAS number
Cayman Chemical
Shipping & storage
Shipping condition
Dry Ice
Storage temperature

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17-phenyl trinor Prostaglandin F2a diethyl amide


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17-phenyl trinor Prostaglandin F2a diethyl amide


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